4 Txoj Hauv Kev Kom Tau Aub Cov Zis Hnov tsw tawm ntawm Ntaub Ntaub

Cov txheej txheem:

4 Txoj Hauv Kev Kom Tau Aub Cov Zis Hnov tsw tawm ntawm Ntaub Ntaub
4 Txoj Hauv Kev Kom Tau Aub Cov Zis Hnov tsw tawm ntawm Ntaub Ntaub

Yog tias koj muaj dev lossis menyuam dev, nws zoo li lawv yuav muaj xwm txheej sab hauv. Thaum nws yuav yooj yim los ntxuav, koj tseem tuaj yeem hnov tsw ntawm cov zis zis yog tias nws ntub rau hauv koj cov ntaub pua plag. Thaum muaj ntxhiab tsw ntev uas koj xav tshem tawm, koj tuaj yeem yooj yim deodorize koj cov ntaub pua plag nrog kua txiv thiab ci dej qab zib, hydrogen peroxide muab tshuaj txhuam, qws dej qab zib, lossis tshuaj ntxhua khaub ncaws. Tsis muaj teeb meem dab tsi uas koj xaiv, koj cov ntaub pua plag yuav tsw zoo li tshiab thaum koj ua tiav!

Cov kauj ruam

Txoj Kev 1 ntawm 4: Ntxuav nrog Vinegar thiab Baking Soda

Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 1
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 1

Kauj Ruam 1. Sib tov dej thiab kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo dawb hauv lub raj mis tsuag

Ua ke 1 khob (240 ml) ntawm cov kua qaub dawb nrog 1 khob (240 ml) dej sov hauv lub raj tshuaj tsuag. Co cov tshuaj tov nws kom huv si thiab dilute cov kua txiv. Xyuas kom tseeb tias lub raj mis tsuag ua haujlwm los ntawm txau cov tshuaj hauv lub dab dej ua ntej siv nws ntawm koj cov ntaub pua plag.

  • Koj tuaj yeem yuav lub raj mis tsuag lossis koj tuaj yeem siv ib qho khoob los ntawm cov tshuaj ntxuav qub.
  • Yog tias koj siv lub raj tshuaj tsuag uas muaj lwm yam hauv nws yav dhau los, nco ntsoov ntxuav nws kom huv si ua ntej ntxiv qhov sib tov tshiab. Koj tsis xav stain lossis paug koj cov ntaub pua plag nrog cov tshuaj uas tsis paub.
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 2
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 2

Kauj Ruam 2. Txau qhov sib tov ntawm cov zis zis thiab tso nws zaum li 15 feeb

Tuav lub raj mis tsuag 3-4 hauv (7.6–10.2 cm) hla koj cov ntaub pua plag thiab rub lub ntsuas kom siv cov tshuaj. Tsho tag nrho cov stain nrog cov tshuaj kom koj cov ntaub pua plag tau ua kom tiav, thiab tom qab ntawd cia nws tsau rau 15 feeb.

  • Vinegar ua haujlwm tau zoo ntawm cov zis qhuav los ntub dej.
  • Tsis txhob txhuam cov kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo qhuav tam sim vim nws xav tau tsau rau hauv lub ncoo hauv qab cov ntaub pua plag kom tshem tawm cov ntxhiab tsw.
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 3
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 3

Kauj Ruam 3. Dab cov ntaub pua plag kom tshem cov kua qaub ntau dhau

Siv daim ntaub tu qub los yog daim txhuam cev thiab nias mus rau cov kua txiv kom ntub cov kua. Ua haujlwm thoob plaws tag nrho cov xim kom cov ntaub pua plag tsis ntub. Thaum koj ua tiav, ntxuav daim ntaub tam sim ntawd lossis muab pov tseg.

Hnav cov hnab looj tes ntxuav yog tias koj tsis xav kom muaj kua txiv los yog tso zis ntawm koj txhais tes thaum koj ua haujlwm

Ceeb toom:

Tsis txhob rub rov qab thiab tawm ntawm koj cov ntaub pua plag lossis lwm yam koj yuav ua cov kua qaub thiab cov zis tob rau hauv cov ntaub pua plag ntau dua li nqa nws.

Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev 4
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev 4

Kauj Ruam 4. Npog cov kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo nrog cov dej qab zib kom deodorize koj cov ntaub pua plag

Tsho tag nrho saum npoo ntawm cov stain nrog txheej nyias ntawm ci dej qab zib thiab nias nws rau hauv cov ntaub nrog daim ntaub. Thaum siv cov dej qab zib ci, cia nws zaum kom tshem tawm cov dej noo thiab ntxhiab los ntawm qhov tob hauv koj cov ntaub pua plag. Cov dej qab zib ci yuav ua haujlwm rov qab mus rau saum npoo thiab tsim ib txheej nyias nyias ntawm koj cov ntaub pua plag.

  • Yog tias koj txhawj xeeb txog cov kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo thiab cov dej qab zib ci hloov xim ntawm koj cov ntaub pua plag, ntsuas qhov sib xyaw hauv thaj chaw me me, tsis pom tseeb ua ntej yuav npog cov xim.
  • Rau qhov ntxiv tsw-sib ntaus boost, sib tov ob peb tee ntawm koj nyiam cov roj yam tseem ceeb nrog cov dej qab zib ua ntej nphoo nws rau. Tshuaj yej tsob ntoo, lavender, lossis txiv qaub roj yog txhua qhov kev xaiv zoo.
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev 5
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev 5

Kauj Ruam 5. Nqus cov baking soda thaum nws qhuav

Thaum cov dej qab zib ua kom qhuav tag, khiav koj lub tshuab nqus tsev hla thaj chaw kom tshem nws tawm ntawm koj cov ntaub pua plag. Mus hla qhov chaw ntau zaus kom tau txais cov dej qab zib ci uas tob hauv cov ntaub pua plag. Thaum koj ua tiav, hnov tsw thaj tsam uas tau ua kom pom tias tseem muaj cov ntxhiab zis.

Yog tias koj tseem hnov ntxhiab zis, koj tuaj yeem thov tshuaj dua lossis sim lwm txoj hauv kev ntxuav


"Huv cov xim huv si raws li lawv tshwm sim, tab sis koj yuav tsum muaj koj cov ntaub pua plag kom huv txhua xyoo, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog tias koj muaj tsiaj."

Chris Willatt
Chris Willatt

Chris Willatt

Tsev Ntxhua Tus Kws Tshaj Lij Chris Willatt yog tus tswv thiab tus tsim Alpine Maids, lub chaw saib xyuas kev tu tsev hauv Denver, Colorado tau pib xyoo 2015. Alpine Maids tau txais Angie's List Super Service Award rau peb xyoos sib law txij xyoo 2016 thiab tau muab khoom plig rau Colorado"

Chris Willatt
Chris Willatt

Chris Willatt

House Cleaning Professional Score

0 / 0

Method 1 Quiz

How do you know whether the baking soda is removing the moisture and odors from the carpet?

The baking soda penetrates the carpet pad.

Not quite! The baking soda doesn't necessarily penetrate the pad beneath the carpet. However, the vinegar you apply before the baking soda should seep into the carpet pad to remove the odor, and the baking soda will draw all the vinegar and other moisture out of the carpet. Try again…

The baking soda forms a crust on top of the carpet.

Nice! You'll know whether the baking soda is working when you start to see a crust form on top of the carpet. The crust means the baking soda is drawing all the moisture out of the carpet. Wait until all of the baking soda is dry before vacuuming the area. Read on for another quiz question.

The baking soda changes color on top of the carpet.

Nope! The baking soda doesn't change color. In most cases, the baking soda and vinegar also shouldn't change the color of your carpet. If you're worried about discoloration, though, you can test an inconspicuous area of your carpet first. Guess again!

Want more quizzes?

Keep testing yourself!

Method 2 of 4: Applying a Hydrogen Peroxide Paste

Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 6
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 6

Kauj Ruam 1. Sib tov hydrogen peroxide, xab npum ntxuav tais diav, thiab ci dej qab zib

Ua ke 1 12 diav (22 ml) ntawm hydrogen peroxide, 1 US tbsp (15 ml) ntawm cov tshuaj ntxuav tais diav, thiab 2 diav (28 g) ntawm cov dej qab zib ci hauv lub tais yas thiab sib tov ua ke. Qhov sib tov yuav tsim cov tuab tuab thiab pib ua npuas thaum lawv sib cuam tshuam nrog ib leeg. Khaws qhov sib tov kom txog thaum nws sib xyaw kom huv.

  • Hydrogen peroxide ua haujlwm tau zoo tshaj plaws ntawm cov ntaub pua tsev. Yog tias koj xav siv nws los ntxuav cov ntaub pua plag tsaus nti, ntsuas me me ntawm koj cov ntaub pua plag kom pom tias nws cuam tshuam rau xim.
  • Koj tuaj yeem siv hydrogen peroxide ntawm cov zis tshiab los qhuav qhuav.
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev 7
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev 7

Kauj Ruam 2. Siv cov tshuaj txhuam rau cov zis nrog cov diav thiab tso nws mus txog 1 teev

Siv rab diav los daus thiab kis cov tshuaj txhuam mus rau cov zis zis. Nias rau ntawm qhov muab tshuaj txhuam los ua haujlwm rau hauv cov ntaub pua plag kom nws tuaj yeem nqa cov ntxhiab tsw los ntawm lub ncoo hauv qab. Thaum koj tau kis cov tshuaj txhuam rau ntawm tag nrho cov stain, tso nws ib leeg tsawg kawg 30 feeb thiab mus txog 1 teev.

  • Cov dej qab zib thiab hydrogen peroxide sib cuam tshuam nrog ib leeg thiab yuav ua kom cov ntxhiab tsw zis kom koj cov ntaub pua plag tsis hnov tsw.
  • Cov ntxhiab tsw zoo dua yog tias koj tso cov tshuaj peroxide ntev dua.
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 8
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 8

Kauj Ruam 3. Muab daim ntaub ntub tawm ntawm koj cov ntaub pua plag

Ntub daim ntaub ntxuav nrog dej sov tshaj plaws uas koj tuaj yeem tuav tau thiab rub nws tawm kom nws tsis ntub. Thawb daim ntaub khov kho mus rau qhov muab tshuaj txhuam kom rub nws tawm ntawm koj cov ntaub pua plag. Rewet daim ntaub tu yog tias nws qhuav tawm, thiab khaws cov dab kom txog thaum koj tshem tawm cov tshuaj txhuam ntau npaum li koj tuaj yeem ua tau.

Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 9
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 9

Kauj Ruam 4. Qhuav koj cov ntaub pua plag nrog cov ntaub so tes

Thaum koj tshem qhov muab tshuaj txhuam, tso ib txheej ntawv phuam so rau ntawm qhov chaw ntub dej thiab nias qis kom nqus tau cov kua uas seem. Tsis txhob so daim ntaub so tes los ntawm ib sab kom koj tsis ua haujlwm rov qab rau hauv cov ntaub pua plag.

Koj kuj tseem tuaj yeem siv daim ntaub tu tsev es tsis siv ntaub so tes yog tias koj xav tau

Tswv yim:

Yog tias muaj cov tshuaj tsw qab tso rau ntawm koj cov ntaub pua plag, cia nws qhuav tag thiab nqus tawm thaj tsam kom tshem nws.

Cov qhab nia

0 / 0

Txoj Kev 2 Xeem

Hom ntaub pua tsev twg zoo dua nrog hydrogen peroxide?

Cov ntaub pua plag xim.

Yog! Hydrogen peroxide tuaj yeem ua rau cov ntaub dub dua thiab muaj kev nyab xeeb rau siv hauv cov ntaub pua tsev. Ua ntej siv hydrogen peroxide ntawm cov xim tsaus, sim thaj tsam ntawm cov ntaub pua plag kom pom tias cov tshuaj cuam tshuam rau xim. Nyeem rau lwm qhov lus nug xeem ntawv.

Cov ntaub pua plag tsaus.

Tsis yog! Hydrogen peroxide tsis zoo dua rau cov ntaub pua plag tsaus dua cov ntaub pua plag xim. Cov tshuaj yog tshuaj ntxuav kom muaj zog, yog li koj yuav tsum siv nws ceev faj thiab ib txwm ntsuas thaj tsam ntawm koj cov ntaub pua plag ua ntej thov hydrogen peroxide rau thaj chaw cuam tshuam. Kwv yees dua!

Hydrogen peroxide muaj kev nyab xeeb los siv rau ntawm cov ntaub pua plag.

Tsis yog! Hydrogen peroxide tsis zoo siv rau ntawm txhua daim ntaub pua tsev. Qee cov xim ua rau muaj kev pheej hmoo ntawm kev hloov xim thaum koj siv tshuaj lom neeg. Muaj qhov kev xaiv zoo dua nyob ntawd!

Xav tau cov lus nug ntxiv?

Kuaj koj tus kheej!

Txoj Kev 3 ntawm 4: Siv Club Soda

Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Zis Hnov Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Ntawv Kauj Ruam 10
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Zis Hnov Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Ntawv Kauj Ruam 10

Kauj Ruam 1. Ncuav cov dej qab zib sib tov rau tag nrho cov stain

Siv me me ib zaug kom koj cov ntaub pua plag tsis ntub. Maj mam ncuav lub club soda hla tag nrho cov stain kom nws npuas thiab so rau hauv koj cov ntaub pua plag. Thaum cov stain tau npog nrog cov qws soda, cia nws zaum li 10-15 feeb kom nws tuaj yeem nkag mus rau hauv ncoo hauv qab.

  • Koj tuaj yeem yuav qws dej qab zib los ntawm txhua lub khw muag khoom noj.
  • Club soda ua haujlwm zoo tshaj plaws rau cov zis zis tshiab.
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 11
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 11

Kauj Ruam 2. Tshem cov xim qub nrog daim ntaub huv los yog daim txhuam cev

Tom qab 10-15 feeb dhau los, teeb tsa cov tshuaj ntxuav rau saum cov stain thiab nias khov kho rau nws kom tshem tawm cov dej qab zib. Yog tias daim ntaub ntub heev, rub nws tawm lossis siv lwm yam los tshem cov ntxhiab tsw tawm. Ua haujlwm koj txoj hauv kev hla tag nrho cov stain kom txog thaum feem ntau ntawm cov dej qab zib tau tsa.

Tsis txhob so rov qab thiab dhau los ntawm qhov tsis zoo lossis lwm cov zis tsw ntxhiab yuav ua haujlwm rov qab rau hauv cov ntaub pua plag

Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 12
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 12

Kauj Ruam 3. Qhuav thaj tsam nrog ntawv so tes

Npog lub stain nrog 2 txheej ntawm daim ntawv so tes thiab muab nws qhuav. Thawb hnyav nrog koj txhais tes kom nqus tau cov dej qab zib uas sib sib zog nqus hauv cov ntaub pua plag. Khaws cia kom hla tag nrho ntawm cov xim kom txog thaum koj tsis tuaj yeem rub tau cov kua ntxiv.

Tswv yim:

Hnav khau thiab kauj ruam ntawm daim ntawv so tes kom siv dag zog ntau dua thiab nqus dej ntau los ntawm cov ntaub pua plag.

Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 13
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 13

Kauj Ruam 4. Tshuaj tsuag lub tshuab ua pa rau ntawm koj cov ntaub pua plag kom tau ntxhiab tsw

Siv cov dej qab zib tuaj yeem tshem cov ntxhiab, tab sis koj yuav muaj ntxhiab tsw zoo dua thaum koj xub tshem nws. Xaiv qhov koj nyiam tshaj plaws ntawm huab cua freshener lossis cov roj yam tseem ceeb thiab txau nws ntawm koj cov ntaub pua plag kom npog cov ntxhiab tsw uas cov dej qab zib tuaj. Spritz txaus los npog qhov tsis hnov tsw thiab tom qab ntawd xyuas koj cov ntaub pua plag hauv ob peb teev kom pom tias koj tseem tuaj yeem hnov tsw ntawm cov zis.

  • Saib rau huab cua fresheners uas tshem tawm cov ntxhiab ntau dua li npog lawv vim lawv tua cov kab mob ua rau tsw ntxhiab.
  • Yog tias koj tseem hnov ntxhiab zis, koj yuav tsum tau sim ua kom huv dua qub.

Cov qhab nia

0 / 0

Txoj Kev 3 Xeem

Koj yuav tsum siv hom dej qab zib dab tsi?

Hauv cov hnub qub cov zis.

Tsis yog! Txoj hauv kev qws dej qab zib tsis zoo dua rau cov hnub qub qub tshaj li lwm hom kua qaub. Club soda yog ib txoj hauv kev yooj yim thiab muaj txiaj ntsig zoo rau cov xim tshwj xeeb. Sim dua …

Ntawm cov zis zis qub heev.

Tsis yog! Nws tsis zoo dua los siv qws dej qab zib ntawm cov xim qub qub tshaj li lwm hom kua qaub. Koj tuaj yeem siv qws dej qab zib ntawm cov xim qub heev, tab sis nws tsis muaj qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntawm cov zis. Xaiv lwm lo lus teb!

Ntawm cov zis tshiab.

Yog lawm! Club dej qab zib yog qhov zoo dua rau cov kua dej tshiab dua li lwm hom. Cov npuas dej tuaj yeem nkag mus rau hauv cov zis thiab tshem tawm cov dej noo thiab ntxhiab tsw sai tom qab ua cov stain. Nyeem rau lwm qhov lus nug xeem ntawv.

Club soda ua haujlwm zoo ib yam rau ntawm cov zis zis.

Tsis tas yuav! Koj yuav tsum siv txoj hauv kev qws dej qab zib ntawm ib hom stain dua lwm tus. Cov npuas dej ua haujlwm txhawm rau ntxaum cov dej noo thiab tsw ntxhiab thiab tshem tawm lawv ntawm koj cov ntaub pua plag. Nyem rau lwm cov lus teb kom pom qhov raug …

Xav tau cov lus nug ntxiv?

Kuaj koj tus kheej!

Txoj Kev 4 ntawm 4: Txau Tshuaj Txhuam Hniav Enzymatic

Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 14
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 14

Kauj Ruam 1. Qhuav cov zis ntau npaum li koj tuaj yeem ua tau nrog cov ntaub so tes

Teem ib txheej ntawm daim ntawv so tes kom huv, thiab nias daim ntawv so tes kom ruaj rau hauv cov ntaub pua plag. Tsis txhob txhuam cov ntaub pua plag vim nws tuaj yeem ua haujlwm cov zis tob dua rau hauv lub ncoo hauv qab. Khawb cov ntaub pua plag kom txog thaum nws qhuav li koj tuaj yeem tau txais.

  • Enzymatic cov tshuaj ntxuav tes ua haujlwm zoo tshaj plaws ntawm cov xim tshiab.
  • Kauj ruam ntawm daim ntawv so tes kom siv lub zog ntau dua thiab nqus dej ntau.
Ua Kom Cov Zaub Zais Hnov tsw tawm ntawm Cov Ntaub Ntawv Kauj Ruam 15
Ua Kom Cov Zaub Zais Hnov tsw tawm ntawm Cov Ntaub Ntawv Kauj Ruam 15

Kauj Ruam 2. Txau cov tshuaj ntxuav enzymatic ncaj qha rau ntawm cov stain

Tau txais ib lub raj mis ntawm kev ua lag luam ntxuav cov enzymatic los ntawm koj lub khw muag khoom hauv zos. Tuav lub raj mis 3-4 hauv (7.6–10.2 cm) los ntawm cov stain thiab tsuag nws kom txog thaum cov ntaub pua plag puv tag.

Ntau lub khw muag tsiaj nqa cov tshuaj ntxuav lub cev tshwj xeeb uas ua rau cov zis zis

Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 16
Ua Kom Cov Menyuam Tso Zis Hnov Los Ntawm Cov Ntaub Pua Tsev Kauj Ruam 16

Kauj Ruam 3. Cia tus ntxhua khaub ncaws ntub rau hauv koj cov ntaub pua plag thiab qhuav ntawm nws tus kheej

Saib ntawm lub raj mis kom pom tias ntev npaum li cas lub tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws ua haujlwm, uas feem ntau yog txog 24 teev. Cia tus ntxhua khaub ncaws ntxhua thiab nqus mus rau hauv cov ntaub pua plag yog li nws tuaj yeem tshem tawm cov ntxhiab tsw tag. Thaum lub sijhawm teev nyob rau ntawm lub ntim dhau, hnia koj cov ntaub pua plag kom pom tias tseem muaj ntxhiab tsw.

Yog tias cov ntaub pua plag tseem hnov ntxhiab, koj yuav xav tau zawv plaub hau rau koj cov ntaub pua plag

Cov qhab nia

0 / 0

Txoj Kev 4 Xeem

Koj yuav tsum zam dab tsi thaum ziab cov zis nrog cov ntawv so tes?

Kauj ruam ntawm daim ntawv so tes.

Tsis tas yuav! Kauj ruam ntawm daim ntawv so tes tuaj yeem yog txoj hauv kev zoo tshaj plaws kom yuam dej noo rau hauv cov phuam. Koj thov ntau qhov siab thiab xaus rau nqus dej ntau. Muaj qhov kev xaiv zoo dua nyob ntawd!

Dabbing ntawm cov stain nrog cov ntawv phuam.

Tsis yog! Koj feem ntau xav ua dab tsi ntawm cov xim thaum kos cov zis tawm ntawm cov ntaub pua plag. Nyuaj rau ntawm daim ntawv so tes kom ya raws tawm ntawm cov ntaub pua plag. Xaiv lwm lo lus teb!

Txheeb daim ntawv so tes rov qab los.

Yog! Tsis txhob txhuam cov ntaub pua plag nrog cov phuam. Kev txhuam kom yuam cov zis mus rau hauv cov ntaub pua plag thiab tsis yog cov ntaub so tes. Nyeem rau lwm qhov lus nug xeem ntawv.

Xav tau cov lus nug ntxiv?

Kuaj koj tus kheej!

Yees duab - Los ntawm kev siv qhov kev pabcuam no, qee cov ntaub ntawv yuav raug muab qhia rau YouTube

Pom zoo: