3 Txoj hauv Kev Los Ntxuav Cooktop

Cov txheej txheem:

3 Txoj hauv Kev Los Ntxuav Cooktop
3 Txoj hauv Kev Los Ntxuav Cooktop

Koj lub cooktop tau khi kom tsis txhob tawg, txawm tias koj tsuas yog siv nws ob peb zaug hauv ib lub lis piam. Txhua yam nws siv yog ib lub lauj kaub dhau los ua qhov tsis zoo uas zoo li tsis tuaj yeem ntxuav tau, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog thaum cov dej ntws tawm thiab cov khoom qab zib tso rau hauv lub cooktop. Txawm hais tias koj tab tom ntxuav lub iav ua noj ua haus, lub tshuab ua hluav taws xob ua hluav taws xob, lossis cov roj ntau, nws tsuas yog siv ob peb kauj ruam yooj yim kom koj lub cooktop saib tshiab thiab huv. Thaum ntau hom cooktops xav tau ntau txoj hauv kev ntxuav, lub tswv yim dav ib yam. Pib los ntawm kev tshem tawm lub lauj kaub tais diav thiab tso lub qhov hluav taws kub kom txias ua ntej tshem tawm cov khoom tawg thiab pom tau yooj yim. Tom qab ntawd, siv qee lub sijhawm ua kom huv huv kom tau koj lub cooktop saib ci thiab tshiab.

Cov kauj ruam

Txoj Kev 1 ntawm 3: Ntxuav Iav Cooktop

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 1
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 1

Kauj Ruam 1. Tshem lub lauj kaub thiab lub lauj kaub thiab nco ntsoov tias koj lub cooktop tawm

Nco ntsoov tias koj lub lauj kaub tais diav iav txias rau qhov kov thiab tshem tawm, yog li koj tsis ua mob rau koj tus kheej. Tom qab ntawd, tshem lub lauj kaub tais diav ntawm lub lauj kaub thiab lauj kaub, yog li koj tuaj yeem ntxuav tag nrho saum npoo yam tsis muaj dab tsi nkag los.

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 2
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 2

Kauj Ruam 2. So ib daim txhuam cev hauv lub tais uas ntim nrog dej sov, xab npum

Sau lub tais loj nrog dej sov thiab ntxiv cov tshuaj ntxuav tais diav, tom qab ntawd so ib daim txhuam cev hauv lub tais kom nws zoo thiab xab npum.

Xaiv daim txhuam cev uas muaj sab mos thiab sab txhuam


Heather Isenberg
Heather Isenberg

Heather Isenberg

House Cleaning Professional Heather Isenberg is a home cleaning expert and the Owner of The Tidy Maiden, a residential and commercial cleaning service company serving the San Jose and Los Angeles, California regions. Heather’s business The Tidy Maiden and Heather’s book The Automatic Bosslady were recently featured on CBS.

Heather Isenberg
Heather Isenberg

Heather Isenberg

House Cleaning Professional

You can also use a cream designed for glass stovetops

Wipe the surface with a damp sponge and then dry it thoroughly. Apply a drop of the cooktop cream to the surface and rub it in a circular motion with the soft side of a sponge. Remove with a damp cloth or sponge.

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 3
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 3

Kauj Ruam 3. Ntxuav lub lauj kaub tais diav nrog koj daim txhuam cev thiab so cov khib nyiab

Siv sab txhuam ntawm koj daim txhuam cev txhawm rau txhuam cov nplais ntawm lub cooktop, ua haujlwm daim txhuam cev ua ntu ncig thaum koj txhuam. Nias nqes kom haum nrog cov roj lossis cov khoom uas tau hlawv mus rau lub cooktop. Tom qab ntawd, tig koj daim txhuam cev hla mus rau sab mos muag thiab so tawm ntawm lub lauj kaub tais diav, tshem tawm cov khoom uas tau raug tshem tawm.

Siv sijhawm ntxiv txhawm rau txhuam cov tawv tawv, xws li cov uas tshwm sim los ntawm cov hmoov txhuv nplej zom zom los yog cam khwb cia hlau carbonization, tab sis txav mus thaum nws zoo li daim txhuam cev tau tso tseg tshem cov hmoov av. Cov zaub mov uas tau hlawv mus rau lub cooktop yuav nyuaj tshwj xeeb rau tshem tawm, yog li tsis txhob txhawj yog tias nws tsis tawm tam sim

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 4
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 4

Kauj Ruam 4. Thov khob iav ua kom huv huv thiab txhuam nws mus rau lub lauj kaub tais diav

Koj tuaj yeem pom iav cooktop nqus tsev ntxhua khaub ncaws ntawm cov khw muag khoom noj feem ntau thiab kho vajtse. Ua ob zaug tshuaj xyuas cov lus qhia rau cov khoom koj muaj ntawm tes, vim qee qhov yuav muaj cov lus qhia tshwj xeeb. Feem ntau, koj yuav xav txau cov khoom hla tag nrho lub lauj kaub tais diav, txhuam nws nrog koj daim txhuam cev, thiab cia nws zaum li ob peb feeb. Lub tshuab ntxuav tais diav yuav pab zom cov roj thiab lwm yam uas tsis huv, ua rau koj txoj haujlwm yooj yim dua.

Yog tias koj nyiam siv cov khoom xyaw ntuj, koj tuaj yeem tso lub iav ua noj ua haus huv. Hloov chaw, txau koj lub qhov cub siab nrog vinegar thiab nchuav tes ntawm cov dej qab zib ci tshaj cov kua. Tom qab ntawd, npog koj lub lauj kaub tais diav nrog cov phuam da dej uas tau so (thiab txhuam kom huv) hauv dej sov. Cia qhov no zaum li 10 feeb, tom qab so so lub lauj kaub tais diav nrog daim ntaub microfiber

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 5
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 5

Kauj Ruam 5. Siv rab chais rab riam los txhuam cov qhov ntxhib thiab ua kom cov roj sib tov

Yog tias koj tseem muaj thaj chaw ntawm koj lub cooktop ci nrog roj sib sau ua ke, sim ua tib zoo siv rab chais hniav txiab kom tshem tawm cov tawv ncauj tsis huv.

  • Tuav lub scraper tawm tsam saum npoo ntawm 45-degree lub kaum ntse ntse thiab siv lub zog thaum koj txhuam cov khoom uas hlawv. Tshem cov khib nyiab thaum koj mus. Ua tib zoo saib kom rab chais tiaj thiab tiaj, thiab tsis txhob siv ob lub kaum ntse ntse ntawm cov hniav, vim lawv tuaj yeem ua rau koj lub cooktop puas.
  • Koj tuaj yeem pom rab chais rab riam ntawm txhua lub khw muag khoom kho vajtse. Ib txwm yuav tsum tau ceev faj ntxiv thaum siv rab chais hniav, vim lawv ntse heev.


Heather Isenberg
Heather Isenberg

Heather Isenberg

House Cleaning Professional Heather Isenberg is a home cleaning expert and the Owner of The Tidy Maiden, a residential and commercial cleaning service company serving the San Jose and Los Angeles, California regions. Heather’s business The Tidy Maiden and Heather’s book The Automatic Bosslady were recently featured on CBS.

Heather Isenberg
Heather Isenberg

Heather Isenberg

House Cleaning Professional

Our Expert Agrees:

Once you've cleaned the glass surface with a cleaner like a cream designed for glass stovetops, use a razor blade to remove any leftover food. Hold the razor blade at an angle to protect the glass and scrape any remaining food from the surface.

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 6
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 6

Kauj Ruam 6. Txau lub lauj kaub tais diav nrog dej thiab so nrog daim ntaub huv

Thaum koj tau tshem tag nrho cov khib nyiab uas tawv ncauj los ntawm koj lub cooktop, txau rau saum npoo nrog lub teeb ua hmoov av ntawm cov dej sov, thiab muab nws ib qho zaum kawg los so tawm lub tshuab ntxuav tais diav thiab tshem tawm cov seem uas seem. Txij ntawm no koj lub khob iav yuav tsum zoo li ci ntsa iab koj yuav txawm tias tuaj yeem pom koj qhov kev xav rov qab los ntawm koj.

Txoj Kev 2 ntawm 3: Ntxuav Cov Hluav Taws Xob Chev Cooktop

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 7
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 7

Kauj Ruam 1. Ua kom sov cov hlua hluav taws xob siab rau 3 feeb kom hlawv cov khoom seem

Cov hlua hluav taws xob ntawm koj lub cooktop hluav taws xob tuaj yeem ua qias neeg sai. Luckily, lawv yog super yooj yim los ntxuav. Pib los ntawm kev siv hluav taws xob tag nrho koj cov hlawv kom siab. Cua sov cov coils siab rau 3 feeb yuav pab hlawv cov roj thiab cov zaub mov tsis huv.

Yog tias cov coils tshwj xeeb tshaj yog qias neeg, koj yuav xav qhib lub qhov rais thiab qhib koj lub kiv cua hauv chav ua noj, yog li koj tsis txhob haus luam yeeb hauv koj chav ua noj

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 8
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 8

Kauj Ruam 2. Tos kom koj lub qhov cub kom txias tag, tom qab ntawv xaub lawv tawm ntawm lub qhov cub

Koj yuav xav paub tseeb tias cov coils tau txias ua ntej txuas ntxiv, yog li so (20 feeb lossis ntau dua) thiab cia lawv txias rau qhov kov. Thaum lawv tau txias, lawv yuav tsum yooj yim swb tawm ntawm lub lauj kaub tais diav. Muab rau lawv kom maj mam rub lawv los ntawm qhov txuas hluav taws xob (qhov uas lawv txuas nrog lub qhov cub).

Yog tias lawv tsis swb ncaj qha, sab laj nrog koj lub qhov cub phau ntawv qhia seb yuav tshem tawm lawv li cas. Tsis txhob txhawj xeeb yog tias koj tsis muaj phau ntawv ntawm tes; koj yuav tsum muaj peev xwm nrhiav tau nws yooj yim online los ntawm kev tshawb nrhiav tus qauv lub qhov cub

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 9
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 9

Kauj Ruam 3. So cov coils nrog ntaub xab npum lossis daim txhuam cev

Teeb tsa thaj chaw ua haujlwm ntawm koj lub txee rau chav ua noj kom ntxuav tawm cov coils. Koj tsis xav muab cov coils tso rau hauv dej, vim tias koj tuaj yeem ua rau puas qhov txuas hluav taws xob. Hloov chaw, siv daim ntaub ntub (lossis daim txhuam cev) thiab xab npum me ntsis los so cov roj thiab cov seem. Txhuam lub hauv ntej thiab nraub qaum ntawm lub kauj, siv sijhawm ntxiv los ua haujlwm los ntawm roj thiab sib sau ua ke.

Ua haujlwm kom zoo nyob ib ncig ntawm qhov txuas hluav taws xob kom tsis txhob puas nws

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 10
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 10

Kauj Ruam 4. Npog cov coils hauv ib qho ua los ntawm ci dej qab zib thiab dej; cia zaum li 20 feeb

Yog tias cov coils tseem muaj qhov seem uas tsis tuaj yeem tshem tawm tau yooj yim, sim sib tov cov dej qab zib kom txaus los ua cov tshuaj txhuam (sim kwv yees li 2: 1 ci dej qab zib rau dej). Siv koj cov ntiv tes los kis cov tshuaj txhuam rau saum cov coils, zoo li yog lo rau hauv qhov kom txias.

Cia lawv zaum hauv qhov muab tshuaj txhuam rau 20 feeb yuav tso cai rau ci dej qab zib kom zom cov xim, roj, thiab zaub mov

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 11
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 11

Kauj Ruam 5. Txhuam cov coils thiab so nrog daim ntaub ntub

Tom qab ci dej qab zib muab tshuaj txhuam tau ua nws cov khawv koob, siv sab txhuam ntawm daim txhuam cev txhawm rau txhuam cov tshuaj txhuam tob rau hauv cov kauj. Koj tsis tas yuav nias hnyav, tab sis txhuam tawv txaus kom tshem cov seem uas seem. Tom qab ntawd, siv daim ntaub ntub los so tag nrho cov ci ci.

Teem cov coils mus rau sab thaum koj txuas ntxiv ntxuav lwm qhov ntawm koj lub tshuab ua hluav taws xob

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 12
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 12

Kauj Ruam 6. Tshem cov lauj kaub thiab muab txhuam nrog txhuam thiab dej sov so

Koj lub lauj kaub hluav taws xob yuav muaj lub lauj kaub tso rau hauv qab cov kauj. Feem ntau ntawm cov zaub mov seem ntawm koj lub qhov cub yuav poob rau hauv lub lauj kaub tais diav, yog li siv sijhawm los ntxuav lawv tawm yuav saib xyuas ntau qhov tsis meej pem. Pib los ntawm kev so tawm cov xoob xoob xoob, tom qab ntawd siv daim txhuam cev npog hauv cov xab npum sov kom txhuam cov lauj kaub kom txog thaum lawv zoo nkauj.

  • Yog tias cov kua xab npum tsis ua qhov dag, sim sib tov 1 feem kua txiv dawb, 2 feem ci dej qab zib thiab ob peb tee ntawm cov xab npum ntxuav tais diav los ua tshuaj ntxuav tu. Tshaj tawm qhov sib xyaw ua kom huv no hla lub lauj kaub tais diav thiab cia lawv zaum hauv koj lub dab dej li 10 txog 15 feeb. Scrub qhov sib tov nrog daim txhuam cev kom tshem tawm qhov seem, tom qab ntawd yaug lawv tag.
  • Teem lub lauj kaub huv huv tso rau ib sab kom qhuav thaum koj ua haujlwm ntxiv rau saum koj lub cooktop.
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 13
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 13

Kauj Ruam 7. Nqa sab saum toj ntawm koj lub qhov cub hluav taws xob ib yam li koj yuav nqa lub hood tsheb

Feem ntau cov qhov cub hluav taws xob muaj ib qho hauv qab qhov twg nchuav thiab crumbs zoo li yuav nkaum. Vim tias thaj chaw no tau muab zais, nws tuaj yeem tsim cov ntxhiab tsw phem thiab nyuaj rau tshem tawm cov xim. Nqa qhov saum npoo ntawm lub qhov cub kom txog thaum lub hauv qab raug nthuav tawm txhawm rau txhawm rau ntsuas qhov tsis sib xws.

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 14
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 14

Kauj Ruam 8. Siv daim ntaub ntub los yog daim txhuam cev los so hauv qab ntawm lub lauj kaub tais diav

Thaum koj tau nkag mus rau hauv qab ntawm lub qhov cub, koj yuav tuaj yeem ntsuas qhov yuav tsum tau ntxuav ntau npaum li cas. Pib los ntawm kev so thaj tsam nrog daim ntaub ntub los yog daim txhuam cev kom tshem tawm cov crumbs thiab pom qhov tsis meej.

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 15
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 15

Kauj Ruam 9. Plua plav thaj tsam nrog cov dej qab zib ci thiab tshuaj tsuag nrog kua txiv kom zom cov seem

Yog tias sab hauv qab ntawm koj lub qhov cub raug ntxuav kom huv nrog so yooj yim, koj tuaj yeem hla cov theem no. Txwv tsis pub, nqa ib txhais tes ntawm ci dej qab zib thiab hmoov av nws hla tag nrho saum npoo. Tom qab ntawd, txau cov kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo dawb hla cov dej qab zib (lossis siv ob peb lub kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo thiab ua tib zoo yaug nws hla cov dej qab zib). Ntxiv cov vinegar yuav ua rau cov dej qab zib ci zoo li vwm. Cia qhov sib xyaw no zaum li 10 txog 15 feeb.

Cov kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo yuav ua kom cov dej qab zib ci ci thiab pab txhawm rau zom cov seem uas koj daim txhuam cev tsis tuaj yeem hla dhau

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 16
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 16

Kauj Ruam 10. Txhuam cov hmoov ci ci sib tov, tom qab ntawd so nrog daim ntaub ntub thiab ua kom qhuav tag

Tom qab 10 feeb dhau los, siv koj daim txhuam cev los txhuam cov dej qab zib thiab dej qab zib sib tov rau saum npoo. Txhuam qhov chaw qias neeg ntau ntxiv. Tom qab ntawd, so tag nrho saum npoo nrog daim ntaub ntub kom txog thaum sab hauv qab ntawm koj lub qhov cub zoo li thiab tsw ntxhiab thiab huv. Qhuav qhov saum npoo nrog daim ntaub qhuav lossis daim phuam so thiab kaw lub qhov cub.

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 17
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 17

Kauj Ruam 11. So koj lub lauj kaub tais diav nrog daim ntaub ntub kom tshem cov crumbs

Pib qhov kawg ntawm kev ntxuav tu los so saum koj lub qhov cub kom tshem cov pob zeb tawg. Siv daim ntaub ntub dej los yog daim txhuam cev txhawm rau txhawm rau txhuam cov crumbs rau hauv pawg thiab muab pov tseg.

Ua hauj lwm ua tib zoo nyob ib ncig ntawm qhov txuas hluav taws xob nyob hauv nruab nrab ntawm txhua lub tshuab hlawv

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 18
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 18

Kauj Ruam 12. Txhuam cov nplaim nrog daim txhuam cev kom ntxuav cov roj

Siv sab txhuam ntawm koj daim txhuam cev txhuam kom txhuam tag nrho cov seem uas seem tawm ntawm qhov chaw ntawm koj lub cooktop.

Ua hauj lwm los ntawm kev tawv ncauj messes nrog vinegar thiab ci dej qab zib sib tov. Sprinkle thaj chaw tsis huv nrog ci dej qab zib thiab tshuaj tsuag nrog vinegar. Cia zaum qhov sib tov sib xyaw no zaum ob peb feeb. Tom qab ntawd, txhuam thaj tsam nrog koj daim txhuam cev thiab siv daim ntaub ntub los so qhov sib xyaw kom tiav

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 19
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 19

Kauj Ruam 13. So cov nplais ntawm koj lub lauj kaub tais diav nrog cov phuam ntub

Thaum koj lub lauj kaub tais diav tsis muaj xim thiab seem, so tag nrho saum npoo nrog phuam ntub. Nco ntsoov tshem tawm cov dej qab zib ci ci, xab npum, thiab qhov seem.

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 20
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 20

Kauj Ruam 14. Muab lub lauj kaub tso rau hauv qab, ua raws cov kauj hluav taws xob, rov qab mus rau lub lauj kaub tais diav

Thaum sab saum toj ntawm koj lub cooktop zoo nkaus li huv si, nws yog lub sijhawm ntxiv tag nrho cov khoom rov qab rau lub qhov cub. Ua ntej tshaj, muab tso rau hauv lub lauj kaub huv. Tom qab ntawd, maj mam rov qab cov coils los ntawm kev muab lawv maj mam rov qab mus rau qhov txuas hluav taws xob. Txaus siab rau koj lub qhov cub huv thiab ua kev zoo siab los ntawm kev xaj qee qhov nqa tawm.

Txoj Kev 3 ntawm 3: Ntxuav Roj Cooktop

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 21
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 21

Kauj Ruam 1. Tshem lub lauj kaub tais diav thiab muab tso rau hauv lub dab dej uas muaj cov xab npum

Cov roj hlawv tau yooj yim tshem tawm cov hlau grates uas zaum sab xis saum nplaim taws. Lawv yuav tsum nqa tawm, yog li coj lawv tawm thiab tso lawv rau hauv koj lub dab dej. Cia lawv tsau hauv cov xab npum sov thaum koj tseem ntxuav lub qhov cub. Ntev dua lawv tsau, lawv yooj yim dua los ntxuav tom qab.

Tsis txhob hnov qab siv lub stopper kom ntseeg tau tias koj lub dab dej nyob qis nrog dej

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 22
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 22

Kauj Ruam 2. Tshem cov npog npog thiab pob qhov rooj thiab muab tso rau hauv ib lub tais ntawm cov xab npum

Cov npog npog yog cov phaj zoo li daim hlau uas zaum qhov twg cov pa taws tawm ntawm koj lub qhov cub. Cov no yuav tsum nqa tawm tam sim ntawd. Muab lawv tso rau hauv ib lub tais uas muaj dej sov so. Lawv zoo li tau pleev xim rau hauv cov roj, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog tias koj tsis tau ntxuav koj lub qhov cub ib pliag, yog li nws yog qhov zoo tshaj kom lawv zaum hauv dej tsawg kawg 10 feeb.

  • Yog tias ua tau, tshem cov pob qhov rooj uas tswj koj cov pa taws. Ntxiv lawv rau hauv cov xab npum thiab cia lawv zaum thaum koj tseem ntxuav koj lub qhov cub.
  • Qee lub cooktops muaj qhov sib txawv ntawm qhov cub. Yog tias qhov no tshwm sim, sim nco ntsoov lub npog qhov hluav taws kub sib haum rau txhua lub tshuab hlawv. Feem ntau, lub tshuab hluav taws xob yuav yog lub phaj loj, thaum lub rhaub dej kub yog lub phaj me me.
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 23
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 23

Kauj Ruam 3. So cov nplais ntawm koj lub lauj kaub tais diav nrog daim ntaub ntub

Tam sim no koj tau tshem cov phaj hlau thiab lub lauj kaub tais diav raug nthuav tawm, koj yuav nkag tau rau txhua qhov tawg thiab txeej uas tau poob los ntawm cov hniav. Nws tuaj yeem xav tsis thoob tias muaj pes tsawg crumbs sib sau hauv qab cov hniav. Siv daim ntaub ntub los daus thiab muab pov tseg ib qho me me.

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Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 24

Kauj Ruam 4. So ib daim txhuam cev hauv lub tais uas muaj dej sov, xab npum

Sau lub tais loj nrog dej sov thiab ntxiv cov tshuaj ntxuav tais diav. So ib daim txhuam cev hauv lub tais dej kom nws zoo thiab xab npum.

Xaiv daim txhuam cev uas muaj sab mos thiab sab txhuam. Sab txhuam yuav pab tau thaum txhuam tawm ntawm qhov tsis sib xws, thiab sab mos yuav pab koj so cov khoom koj tau tshem tawm

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Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 25

Kauj Ruam 5. Siv daim txhuam cev los ntxuav lub lauj kaub tais diav los ntawm txhuam qhov chaw qias neeg

Siv sab txhuam ntawm koj daim txhuam cev txhuam kom siv qhov siab rau qhov nchuav me ntsis. Khawb qhov chaw tawv ncauj ntau zog, tom qab ntawd so daim txhuam cev hla lub lauj kaub tais diav kom tshem cov khoom koj tau tso tawm. Koj yuav zaum yuav tsum tau ua qhov no ntau zaus, hloov pauv ntawm kev txhuam txhuam thiab so tawm ntawm lub cooktop kom tshem tawm txhua yam uas tau tawm los. Pov tseg txhua yam khoom uas raug tshem tawm.

Yog tias koj xav tias zoo li koj xav tau siv qee yam me ntsis muaj zog dua li koj daim txhuam cev, sim siv daim ntaub ntub dej. Koj yuav xav sim qhov no ntawm ib ces kaum ntawm koj lub cooktop nto ua ntej siv nws hla tag nrho cov cooktop. Qee qhov chaw ua noj ua haus yog qhov muag ntau dua li lwm tus, thiab cov ntaub qhwv tuaj yeem tawm qhov khawb. Kuaj tawm kaum me ntsis uas nyob hauv qab ib qho ntawm cov hlau grates. Yog tias nws tsis khawb qhov saum npoo, koj zoo mus

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 26
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 26

Kauj Ruam 6. Ntxiv cov dej qab zib ci thiab ib txheej cap ntawm hydrogen peroxide los ntxuav cov roj

Ib qho nyuaj rau txhuam cov messes tuaj yeem daws tau los ntawm kev sib tov ci dej qab zib thiab hydrogen peroxide. Npog qhov tsis meej pem nrog ib txhais tes ntawm ci dej qab zib. Tom qab ntawd, nphoo ib txheej ntawm hydrogen peroxide rau saum cov ci ci.

Nws yuav tau txais fizzy tiag tiag li kev sib xyaw ua ke tawg ua ke, pab tshem tawm cov ncuav ci. Sim maj mam txhuam qhov sib tov no nrog koj daim txhuam cev, tom qab ntawd so nws thiab tshem tawm cov khoom uas tau tso tawm

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 27
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 27

Kauj Ruam 7. Tshuaj tsuag iav kom huv ntawm lub rooj tswj hwm thiab so nws nrog daim phuam

Cov tshuaj ntxuav iav yuav pab txiav los ntawm cov roj sib sau ua ke thiab tawg uas tau sib sau ua ke ntawm pawg tswj hwm ntawm koj lub cooktop. Tsuag lub teeb ua hmoov av ntawm cov iav kom huv rau ntawm lub rooj tswj hwm, tom qab ntawd so nws nrog cov phuam ntub lossis ntawv so tes. Yog tias nws tseem zoo li tsis meej pem ntawm qhov no, tsuag dua ib puag ncig ntawm cov iav huv thiab so nws dua.

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 28
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 28

Kauj Ruam 8. Txau lub lauj kaub tais diav nrog dej huv thiab so nws kom qhuav

Thaum koj lub lauj kaub tais diav zoo huv si, tsuag cov nplaim dej nrog dej sov thiab so nws qhuav nrog daim ntaub microfiber lossis ntaub so tes. Siv sijhawm ntxiv los xyuas kom tseeb tias koj tau tshem tag nrho cov xab npum thiab tshuaj ntxhua khaub ncaws uas koj tau thov kom nws tsis kub thiab tsw ntxhiab thaum koj pib ua noj dua.

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 29
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 29

Kauj Ruam 9. Txhuam lub lauj kaub tais diav nrog txhuam daim txhuam cev, tom qab ntawd yaug lawv

Tam sim no koj cov hniav tau tsau hauv dej sov tsawg kawg 10 feeb, nws yog lub sijhawm los muab tshuaj txhuam lawv kom huv. Sab txhuam ntawm koj daim txhuam cev yuav pab tshem tawm cov nchuav uas tau ci rau ntawm cov hniav. Yaug lawv nrog dej sov kom tshem xab npum ntau dhau.

Hlau grates feem ntau siv tau ruaj khov, yog li koj tuaj yeem ua nruj heev thaum koj txhuam lawv kom tsis muaj av thiab hmoov av

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 30
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 30

Kauj Ruam 10. Ntxuav lub npog qhov cub thiab pob qhov rooj kom txog thaum lawv huv, ces yaug lawv

Siv sab txhuam ntawm koj daim txhuam cev txhawm rau txhuam lub npog qhov cub kom txog thaum lawv huv tas. Sim siv sab mos ntawm koj daim txhuam cev thaum koj ntxuav cov pob qhov rooj.

Thaum cov npog thiab pob qhov rooj raug ntxuav, yaug lawv nrog dej sov kom txog thaum koj tau tshem tag nrho cov xab npum

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 31
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 31

Kauj Ruam 11. Teem lub lauj kaub tais diav, npog npog, thiab pob qhov rooj ntawm daim phuam kom qhuav

Txhawm rau ua kom koj lub lauj kaub tais diav tshiab huv si zoo, nco ntsoov tias cov nplais, cov npog npog, thiab pob qhov rooj tau qhuav tag ua ntej koj muab tso rov qab. Qhuav lawv nrog daim phuam, lossis tso lawv ntawm phuam ntawm koj lub txee rau chav ua noj kom txog thaum lawv qhuav tag.

Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 32
Ntxuav Cooktop Kauj Ruam 32

Kauj Ruam 12. Muab cov tais ci, npog npog, thiab pob qhov rooj rov qab mus rau lub lauj kaub tais diav

Tam sim no koj lub cooktop zoo li ci ntsa iab thiab huv si, nws yog lub sijhawm los tso lub qhov hluav taws kub npog rov qab mus rau lawv cov khoom sib xyaw. Tom qab ntawd, ntxiv cov hlau grates rov qab rau saum lub qhov cub, thiab thawb lub pob qhov rooj rov qab rau. Koj lub qhov cub yuav zoo li ci thiab tshiab.

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