Yuav Ua Li Cas Thiaj Yeej Adas Clown hauv Rising Rising: 6 Kauj Ruam

Cov txheej txheem:

Yuav Ua Li Cas Thiaj Yeej Adas Clown hauv Rising Rising: 6 Kauj Ruam
Yuav Ua Li Cas Thiaj Yeej Adas Clown hauv Rising Rising: 6 Kauj Ruam

Kuv tau hnov ntau tus neeg hais tias kev puas siab puas ntsws Adas McIntyre hauv Rising Rising nyuaj rau swb. Lub tswv yim no yog lwm txoj hauv kev - tsis xav tau phom tua hluav taws. Nws lom zem ntau dua li tus qauv "tshuab nws lub taub hau nrog rab phom" lub tswv yim, tab sis nws siv sijhawm ntev me ntsis.

Cov kauj ruam

Defeat Adam the Clown in Dead Rising Step 1
Defeat Adam the Clown in Dead Rising Step 1

Kauj Ruam 1. Coj Adas kom deb ntawm kev caij tsheb, thiab nkag mus rau hauv qhov chaw ntaus ntaus cwj mem

(Thaj chaw uas muaj ncaws pob loj heev thiab cov khoom ua si sib dhos)

Defeat Adam the Clown in Dead Rising Step 2
Defeat Adam the Clown in Dead Rising Step 2

Kauj Ruam 2. Nqa ob peb Cubes (cov xim dawb nrog cov xim sib txawv ntawm txhua lub ntsej muag) thiab xyuas kom tseeb tias koj muaj qee daim ntawv ntawm rab riam lossis rab phom yog tias qhov koj nyiam (rab ntaj tua tsiaj yog qhov kuv nyiam)

Defeat Adam the Clown in Dead Rising Step 3
Defeat Adam the Clown in Dead Rising Step 3

Kauj Ruam 3. Khaws kom deb ntawm Adas li qhov ua tau thaum tseem nyob hauv thaj tsam pov tseg

Defeat Adam the Clown in Dead Rising Step 4
Defeat Adam the Clown in Dead Rising Step 4

Kauj Ruam 4. Khaws kom tsis txhob nws lub ntsws thiab xyuas kom cov saw hlau tsis txhob sib cuag - TSIS TXHOB sim dhia -ncaws nws; Feem ntau nws yuav ua pauj rau nws cov saw hlau cua tshuab, uas ua rau lub ntuj raug txim ntawm kev puas tsuaj ntau

Defeat Adam the Clown in Dead Rising Step 5
Defeat Adam the Clown in Dead Rising Step 5

Kauj Ruam 5. Thaum nws pib tshuab lub zais pa, pov lub Cube ntawm nws

Nws yuav poob thiab nqus cov hluav taws mus rau cov pa taws sab hauv lub zais pa. Xav tau kuv hais ntxiv? Qhov no ua rau muaj kev puas tsuaj rau Adas, ntxiv rau nws muab lub qhov rai zoo rau koj los pov riam (lossis lwm yam, rau qhov teeb meem ntawd) ntawm nws.

Defeat Adam the Clown in Dead Rising Step 6
Defeat Adam the Clown in Dead Rising Step 6

Kauj Ruam 6. Pov riam rau Adas thaum twg nws nres kom luag thiab ua si nrog nws cov saw hlau (Nws tsuas yog ua qhov no ib zaug thaum kuv tawm tsam nws, tab sis kuv tswj tau 3 rab riam nyob rau ntawd)

Yees duab - Los ntawm kev siv qhov kev pabcuam no, qee cov ntaub ntawv yuav raug muab qhia rau YouTube

Lub tswv yim

  • Nco ntsoov nqa ntau daim duab ntawm nws hauv kev nqis tes ua ntxiv rau PP (tshwj xeeb tshaj yog thaum nws nqus pa hluav taws thiab dhia nws cov saw hlau).
  • Kuj tseem thaij duab ib zaug Adas tau swb rau ntau dua PP.

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